Italiano e pubblicitario: il profilo del Grande Cialtrone.

La sua rubrica sul Global Times (versione inglese del “Quotidiano del Popolo” di Pechino) si chiama Ask Alessandro.

Lui afferma di essere un italiano che si è trasferito in Cina, oltre che uno dei più grandi creativi pubblicitari italiani, conosciuto da noi con il soprannome di Marlon Brandex. E’ autore del best seller “Come conquistare pollastrelle e influenzarle per fotterle” fra i libri più venduti in Albania nel 2007.

Sta suscitando l’interesse di tutto il mondo per le cose che scrive. E’ misogino, xenofobo e decisamente politically incorrect.

Il suo ultimo pezzo “Quanto tempo impiega una vagina a chiudersi se non viene utilizzata” è ormai introvabile su internet dopo che il Global Times è stato travolto dalle proteste della comunità internazionale dei media. Ha però un incredibile seguito popolare.

Su Repubblica potete leggere la vicenda per intero, ma la domanda che mi assilla è:

Io non sono (purtroppo): giuro.

Potrebbe essere KTTB. O qualcun altro che al momento non posso menzionare.

Apro il sondaggio:

Comments (11)


  2. E’ Vicky Gitto.

  3. quoto

  4. Mizio Blog

    W i cialtroni 😉

    Ecco uno dei supi pezzi:

    Dear Alessandro, Ever since I got to Beijing, it’s like my boyfriend doesn’t even notice me anymore! He spends all of his time looking at these Chinese girls, and they are looking at him! And then he tries to tell me how beautiful they are! It makes me feel so angry! Why is he like this, and what can I do to make him love me again?

    Hello Monica,
    When I first see this letter, forgive me I make an assumption. You are obviously not a very beautiful woman. But I mention this to my friend Beppe, who is analyst. He tell me some things, like one time, a woman came to his o. ce – maybe 40 years old, but still scorchio – and he says you can see the line of her suspenders under her skirt while she was talking! Serious! Amazing he get paid for this.
    Anyway, he say some times there is beautiful women come to him and their lover doesn’t try to satisfy them. He study this and fi nd some men so lazy in their lovemaking they actually give the woman a “negative orgasm”. I don’t know what they waste all their energy on, maybe they like jogging very much or something. But serious, it seem all the woman getting negative orgasm have something in common: they married to British and German men. So maybe not so surprising after all. I guess maybe your boyfriend is British, ha ha. Or German. Sorry, is not funny.
    Beppe writes a thesis on the condition at the moment, what he call “Deprivation of Any Vaginal Ecstasy”, or DAVEgasms for short. Don’t bother to read, is mostly boring. My advice to you is become more like Italian woman. If your man can’t satisfy you, get drunk, scream, throw things at him and tell him if he don’t make you feel like a real woman you will cut yourself and fottere his dad.

  5. mizioblog

    W i cialtroni 😉  
    Ecco uno dei suoi pezzi:  
    Dear Alessandro, Ever since I got to Beijing, it’s like my boyfriend doesn’t even notice me anymore! He spends all of his time looking at these Chinese girls, and they are looking at him! And then he tries to tell me how beautiful they are! It makes me feel so angry! Why is he like this, and what can I do to make him love me again?  
    Hello Monica,  
    When I first see this letter, forgive me I make an assumption. You are obviously not a very beautiful woman. But I mention this to my friend Beppe, who is analyst. He tell me some things, like one time, a woman came to his o. ce – maybe 40 years old, but still scorchio – and he says you can see the line of her suspenders under her skirt while she was talking! Serious! Amazing he get paid for this.  
    Anyway, he say some times there is beautiful women come to him and their lover doesn’t try to satisfy them. He study this and fi nd some men so lazy in their lovemaking they actually give the woman a “negative orgasm”. I don’t know what they waste all their energy on, maybe they like jogging very much or something. But serious, it seem all the woman getting negative orgasm have something in common: they married to British and German men. So maybe not so surprising after all. I guess maybe your boyfriend is British, ha ha. Or German. Sorry, is not funny.  
    Beppe writes a thesis on the condition at the moment, what he call “Deprivation of Any Vaginal Ecstasy”, or DAVEgasms for short. Don’t bother to read, is mostly boring. My advice to you is become more like Italian woman. If your man can’t satisfy you, get drunk, scream, throw things at him and tell him if he don’t make you feel like a real woman you will cut yourself and fottere his dad.

  6. Really Impressive!
    Devo stringere la mano a quest’uomo e dirgli che se mi reincarno voglio essere lui.

  7. Anonymous

    “misogino e politically uncorrect”. Ti riferivi a me con quel “qualcun altro che al momento non posso menzionare”?
    Ammetto che ho dato prova più di una volta di avere quelle due caratteristiche.
    Ammetto anche di avere sembianze simili all’uomo nella foto.

    Da non credente ti dico: giuro di non essere io.  😉


  8. mizioblog

    A qualcun altro che non posso menzionare 😉

  9. Lav, sei nel suo blog. Quest’uomo è pericoloso. Se proprio devi stringergli qualcosa, vanno benissimo i testicoli.

  10. mizioblog

    La ragazza è abbastanza scafata da sapersela cavare a sola. E poi smettila di depistare. lo ha capito anche Barbella che Marlo Brandex sei tu. Qui le prove.

  11. mizioblog


    Per quanto riguarda i testicoli ormai ho dichiarato più volte che, nonostante i nostri continui riferimenti sessuali, tu hai la prostata grande come un cocomero mentre io sono un essere assolutamente asessuato: piatto come le bambole Furga.

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